
World Movement of Mothers
7/يونيو/2001 Organisation
To emphasize the role of the mother...
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3/يونيو/2001 Organisation
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Giving a voice to young people from residential care
30/ماي/2001 Publication
Summary: This report presents the findings of a...
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Regional NGO Consultation
أحد, 08/04/2001 - 00:00 Event
Summary: Takes place in Bucharest....
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Regional CSO/NGO Consultation for PrepCom and Special Session
سبت, 07/04/2001 - 00:00 Event
Summary: Takes place in Bucharest, Romania....
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Conventia Natiunilor Unite Cu Priviere la Drepturile Copilului
20/مارس/2001 Publication
Summary: An illustrated children's guide to the CRC in Romanian
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Study on Child Labour in Romania
20/مارس/2001 Publication
Summary: The study on child labour in Romania...
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Development of Children Infected With Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) - A Comparative Study
20/مارس/2001 Publication
Summary: Around the 80's, medicine was...
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A Community Appraisal of Life in Serb Sarajevo for Young People and Children with Disabilities
12/مارس/2001 Publication
Summary: This is the report of a pilot project...
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