
Romania's referendum threatens children's rights
26/سبتمبر/2018 News
A coalition of conservative and anti-LGBT hate groups are trying to use children’s rights as an excuse to redefine marriage in Romania, in a way which will inevitably run counter to children’s best interests  
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D.M.D. v. Romania
ثلاثاء, 03/10/2017 - 12:00 Instrument
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الحقوق وسبل الانتصاف والتمثيل: تقرير عالمي عن وصول الأطفال إلى العدالة
3/يوليو/2017 Publication
يعد الوصول إلى العدالة حق من حقوق الإنسان، ولكنه أيضا يجعل الحقوق الأخرى حقيقة واقعة، ولكي تكون حقوق الطفل أكثر من مجرد...
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РУМЫНИЯ: Иск НПО, бросившей вызов халатности в государственных интернатах
10/ماي/2017 Publication
Оставленный матерью в младенческом возрасте, Валентин Кампеану в конечном итоге умер в румынском доме-интернате. Две НПО подали жалобу в ЕСПЧ с целью привлечь к ответственности Румынию и не допустить подобных случаев в будущем.
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Derechos, Remedios y Representación: Un reporte global sobre el acceso a la justicia de los niños
9/أغسطس/2016 Publication
El acceso a la justicia es un derecho humano, pero también es lo que hace que los demás derechos humanos sean una realidad...
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ROMANIA: The ‘legal black hole’ for children in institutions
20/يوليو/2016 Publication
Abandoned by his mother at birth, Valentin Câmpeanu eventually died in a Romanian orphanage. Two NGOs brought a case to the European Court of Human Rights to get accountability for the way he was treated and to help prevent similar abuses.
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The Social Service Workforce as Related to Child Protection in Southeast Europe: A Regional Overview
17/ماي/2016 Publication
The Child Protection Hub in South East Europe with its partners in 8 countries have conducted the mapping of social...
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Droits, recours et représentation : un rapport sur l'accès des enfants à la justice dans le monde
12/فبراير/2016 Publication
L'accès à la justice est un droit humain, mais c'est également ce qui fait des autres droits une réalité. Pour que les...
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Rights, Remedies and Representation: A global report on access to justice for children
8/فبراير/2016 Publication
Access to justice is a human right, but it is also what makes other rights a reality. For children’s rights to be more...
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