
UNITED KINGDOM: UPR submission on inhuman sentencing of children
21/Сен/2016 Publication
Life imprisonment in various forms is a lawful sentence in England and Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland for offences...
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INDIA: UPR submission on inhuman sentencing
21/Сен/2016 Publication
Since the enactment of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2013 in Jammu and Kashmir, life...
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NIGERIA : une enfant victime de mariage forcé libérée du couloir de la mort
14/Сен/2016 News
Après trois ans dans le couloir de la mort, une enfant victime de mariage forcé, accusée d'aoir tué son mari, a été libérée.
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NIGERIA: Child bride released from death row
9/Сен/2016 News
After three years on death row, a child bride accused of murder has been released from prison.
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Fontaine v. Canada (Attorney General)
вт, 14/01/2014 - 12:30 Instrument
Case concerning the production and disclosure of documents gathered in police investigations relating to child abuse at an Indian Residential School.
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NUEVA GUÍA: Violencia sexual por parte de fuerzas de mantenimiento de la paz
31/Авг/2016 Guide Section
Luego de que surgieran reportes en 2014 del abuso sexual sufrido por niño a manos de soldados franceses que participaban...
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Sexual violence by peacekeepers
26/Авг/2016 Guide Section
Advocacy guide on how to stop sexual violence against children's rights in peacekeeping
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BOLIVIA: Relatora ONU denuncia infanticidios de niños discapacitados
22/Авг/2016 News
Relatora especial para Bolivia expresó su preocupación y consultó a la delegación oficial respecto a la denuncia de casos de infanticidio a niños con discapacidad. 
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Установление минимального возраста - Дискуссионный документ
17/Авг/2016 Publication
Когда минимальный возраст защищает или ограничивает права детей? Что подразумевается под свободным и информированным...
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