Sexual and reproductive health care and education

RIGHT TO HEALTH: CRIN's submission for OHCHR's report on the Sustainable Development Goals
16/Окт/2017 Publication
This submission was made to provide input the report of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the...
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CHILDREN'S RIGHTS AND THE ENVIRONMENT: CRIN's submission for the Special Rapporteur's report
15/Сен/2017 Publication
This submission was made to provide input on the report of the Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment's...
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ИНДИЯ: Пятилетняя девочка и ее неграмотная мать добились правосудия в случае сексуального насилия
21/Июл/2017 Publication
Амаль* было три года, когда она была изнасилована соседом в трущобах Дели. Ее мать неустанно боролась за справедливость в деле, дошедшем до Высокого суда Дели.
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SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND GENDER IDENTITY: CRIN'S submission to the report of the Independent Expert
6/Июн/2017 Publication
CRIN's submission for the report of the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity  
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ХОРВАТИЯ: Десятилетия споров по вопросам полового воспитания ни к чему не привели
5/Июн/2017 Publication
Коллективная жалоба подвергла критике дискриминационные материалы, используемые на уроках полового воспитания в Хорватии, но не смогла закрепить лучшую систему.
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MEXIQUE : un juge refuse l'avortement à une jeune fille victime de viol
3/Авг/2016 News
Victime d'une agression sexuelle en mai dernier, une jeune mexicaine âgée de 14 ans n'a pas été autorisée à avorter. Le juge a décidé de requalifier le crime en «attentat à la pudeur», qui est un délit mineur…
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MEXICO: Reinterpretación de una norma impide que niña violada pueda abortar
2/Авг/2016 News
Otro ejemplo de las dificultades que las niñas y mujeres enfrentan por acceder al derecho a decidir en América Latina.
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CROATIA: Sex-ed stalemate after decades of disagreement
10/Май/2016 Publication
A collective complaint exposed discrimination in the material being taught in Croatian sex education classes but did not manage to cement a better system.
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PERU: Abortion guidelines established after 90-year delay
30/Мар/2016 Publication
A 13-year-old girl who became pregnant after being raped was denied a legal abortion, even though her physical and mental health were in danger. She was left paralysed; but thanks to her case, Peru now has a protocol on therapeutic abortion and the UN has recognised the denial of a legal abortion as a form of discrimination against women.
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