Physical punishment

REPORT: Domestic violence and corporal punishment
20/Фев/2015 Publication
This briefing sets out the reasons why excluding prohibition of corporal punishment from laws on domestic violence and family protection represents a failure to properly address the issue and to fulfil obligations under international human rights law.
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CHILD LABOUR: Child domestic workers - the dawn of a new Convention?
11/Фев/2015 Publication
Menu: Introduction | Call for Action | UN Committee on Migrant Workers | Violations of the rights of child domestic...
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PERU: Autoridades firman Declaración por Infancia y eliminación de violencia contra menores
5/Фев/2015 News
Queda pendiente el debate y la aprobación del Nuevo Código de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes que plantea también la prohibición del castigo físico.
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KENIA: La Policía usa gases lacrimógenos y perros contra un grupo de niños en Nairobi
27/Янв/2015 News
Escolares protestaron contra la colocación de una valla que les impedía acceder a un solar.
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CRIN MONITOR: Children in the Israeli military justice system
27/Янв/2015 Publication
Palestinian children are routinely and systematically subjected to a harsh military justice regime.
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NEW REPORT: Cruel, inhuman and degrading - ending corporal punishment in penal systems for children
19/Янв/2015 Publication
This report documents that 38 States, which include just under 40 per cent of the world’s children, have not fully prohibited the sentencing of children to corporal punishment by their courts and 67 States have not prohibited violent punishment of children in penal institutions. 
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EGYPT: Boy, 16, tried before military court next Monday
9/Янв/2015 News
Geneva-based organisation Alkamara pledges for UN intervention in the case of Seif al-Islam Osama Shousha who was arrested March 2014.  
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FILIPINAS: Marco legal no impide el maltrato infantil
31/Дек/2014 News
Persisten varias violaciones a los derechos de niñas, niños y adolescentes en este país.
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CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Africa Newsletter #17
18/Дек/2014 Publication
The latest newsletter on corporal punishment by the Global Initiative to End Corporal Punishment reviews this year's campaigns and developments in Africa. 
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