Gang violence

Discrimination and disenfranchisement: A global report on status offences
20/Апр/2016 Publication
Status offences criminalise actions for only certain groups of people, most commonly because of their religion, sexuality or age. This new CRIN report examines how these offences affect children and the new forms they are taking.
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RCA : des enfants pris pour cible lors des violences du weekend dernier
30/Сен/2015 News
Des enfants ont été délibérément pris pour cible au cours de la dernière flambée de violences en République centrafricaine qui a causé la mort de plus de trente personnes et fait plus de cent blessés samedi dernier à Bangui.
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BRAZIL: Lowering the age of criminal majority, and next steps for opposition movement
15/Июл/2015 News
Guest writer for CRIN, Henrique de Souza, from the Brazilian Bar Association, looks at the recently approved proposal to...
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BRÉSIL : 28 enfants tués par jour
14/Июл/2015 News
Un rapport de l'Unicef évoque le contraste entre l'actuel débat pour abaisser l'âge de la majorité pénale de 18 à 16 ans, et les 10.500 homicides de mineurs enregistrés en 2013.
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CENTRAL AMERICA: Gang violence fuelling child marriage, researchers say
15/Июн/2015 News
Although there is little data on the impact of gang violence on child marriage, anecdotal evidence shows girls are getting married and coupled with gang members, which they see as a form of protection from gang violence and intimation from other gangs. 
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ASIA-PACIFIC: Cost of child maltreatment tops $200 billion annually, reports UNICEF
3/Июн/2015 News
Statistics show that failure to prevent violence against children is resulting in serious economic costs to countries, UNICEF warned at the launch of its ‘End Violence against Children’ campaign in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 
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El SALVADOR: Maras han provocado la muerte de más de 300 niños y jóvenes este año
14/Май/2015 News
Se trata de niños que están siendo utilizados por pandillas como “carne de cañón” para cometer ilícitos.
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SOUTH SUDAN: Gunmen kidnap at least 89 boys from village near Malakal
23/Фев/2015 News
UNICEF estimates that at least 12,000 children have been taken or recruited in South Sudan’s civil war for use as soldiers last year.       
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NIGERIA: Seven-year-old girl kills herself and five others in suicide bombing
23/Фев/2015 News
Terrorist group Boko Haram has been suspected to be behind the third incident this year in which children have been used to carry out attacks in Nigeria.
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