
RIGHT TO LIFE: CRIN's submission on the draft General Comment of the ICCPR
16/Окт/2017 Publication
This submission was made to provide input on the draft General Comment of the Human Rights Committee on the right to life...
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BELGIQUE : Enfants et euthanasie
7/Окт/2015 Publication
The amendment removes any reference to the age of a patient.
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NETHERLANDS: Remove age limits on right to die, say paediatricians
30/Июн/2015 News
The Dutch Paediatric Association says the country should follow Belgium in changing law on euthanasia and scrapping age limit for children in unbearable suffering. 
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BELGIUM: Age restrictions lifted on euthanasia
13/Фев/2014 Publication
The amendment removes any reference to the age of a patient.
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BELGIUM: Age restrictions lifted on euthanasia
13/Фев/2014 News
The amendment removes any reference to the age of a patient.
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Подписка на Euthanasia