x CRC News

PRESS RELEASE: CRC Committee Speaks Out on Syria
1/Июн/2012 News
pdf: http://www.crin.org/docs/CRC Syria statement 31.05.12.doc
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AFGHANISTAN: Hundreds of schoolboys sick after suspected poisoning
22/Май/2012 News
Summary: If the poisoning was intentional, it would be the first time that a boys' school had been targeted in Afghanistan...
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UKRAINE: LGBT people's rights under threat after Kiev's first-ever pride cancelled
22/Май/2012 News
Summary: A senior Kiev police official previously told pride organisers that he was not prepared to put his officers in...
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Hungary: lowering the age of criminal responsibility
22/Май/2012 News
Hungary's Commissioner for Fundamental Rights is deeply concerned about a provision in the draft Hungarian Criminal Code...
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