x CRC News

ERITREA: New UN Special Rapporteur urges Government to cooperate
21/Дек/2012 News
Summary: The newly-appointed United Nations Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Eritrea, Beedwantee...
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DR CONGO: ICC acquits militia leader of war crimes
20/Дек/2012 News
[10 December 2012] - The International Criminal Court has ordered that former Congolese militia leader Mathieu Ngudjolo...
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ENOC releases a position paper on the consequences of the economic crisis on ICRIs
20/Дек/2012 News
Summary: The General Assembly of ENOC, meeting in October in Cyprus, agreed to on the terms of a common position statement...
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RD du CONGO : Les enfants paient le prix du conflit dans l’est du pays
27/Сен/2012 News
Summary: Les enfants vivant dans les provinces du Kivu, situées à l’est de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), sont...
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COMPLAINTS MECHANISM: Thailand and Gabon Ratify New OP CRC
27/Сен/2012 News
[GENEVA/MANILA, 26 September 2012] – Thailand and Gabon are the first countries to ratify the new international treaty on...
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