Article 9: Separation from parents

RUSSIA: Children with disabilities face violence and neglect
15/Сен/2014 News
Human Rights Watch urges authorities to end 'orphanage' system and to prioritise support for children with disabilities to live with their families or in other family settings.
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USA: Huge family detention centre to open in Texas for undocumented migrants
15/Сен/2014 News
Federal officials are due to open a huge family detention centre in southern Texas that will house immigrant adults with children while they await deportation.
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EGYPTE : des enfants torturés en prison
12/Сен/2014 News
52 enfants torturés et victimes de violences sexuelles dans une prison d'Alexandrie pour avoir manifesté pacifiquement.
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HONDURAS: Child rights advocate believes root cause of child migration to USA not addressed
11/Сен/2014 News
Child rights defender believes that American and Honduran political leaders only concerned with border security instead of addressing the root causes of migration.
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EGYPT: Child protesters tortured in prison
10/Сен/2014 News
Fifty-two children tortured and sexually abused in Alexandria prison for holding peaceful demonstrations against regime.
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INDIA: Girl 'humiliated' by village elders found dead
4/Сен/2014 News
Dead teenage girl may have been raped after having been humiliated by village "court" for protesting against her father's harassment.
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UKRAINE: A troubled return to school for displaced children
4/Сен/2014 News
Families forced out of their homes by conflict try to resume life in unfamiliar surroundings.
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TANZANIA: UN criticises government for segregating children with albinism
29/Авг/2014 News
Tanzania’s practice of rounding up children with albinism into government care centres criticised by UN.
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AUSTRALIA: Six-year-old detained asylum seeker takes her case to Supreme Court
29/Авг/2014 News
Rare class action against government concerning the treatment of injured detainees being held in detention centres. 
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AUSTRALIE : Une enfant demandeuse d'asile à l'origine d'un recours en justice
27/Авг/2014 News
Cette petite fille de 6 ans est la principale plaignante d'une action collective intentée par plusieurs milliers de demandeurs d'asile contre le gouvernement fédéral mardi. ABC Radio Australia, 27 août 2014.
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