Article 9: Separation from parents

RAPPORT : What Lies Beneath
15/ماي/2018 Publication
En tant qu'ONG, nous posons-nous assez souvent la question de savoir si ce que nous faisons est bien ce que nous devrions faire ? Notre travail est-il nécessaire, répond-t-il à un besoin ?  
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Discussion paper: A Children’s Rights Approach to Assisted Reproduction
1/ماي/2018 Publication
This new paper explores three groups of assisted reproductive technologies, each of which has a bearing on the rights of children between birth and age 18.
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REPORT: What Lies Beneath
14/مارس/2018 Publication
As NGOs, how often do we question whether what we’re doing is what we ought to be doing? In other words, is our work needed and necessary? Here are CRIN's thoughts on this question. 
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In the matter of M (Children)
أربعاء, 20/12/2017 - 00:00 Instrument
Case concerning a transgender parent seeking contact with her children who live as part of an ultra-orthodox Jewish community.
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DISCRIMINATION: CRIN's submission on the draft CRPD General Comment on equality
3/يناير/2018 Publication
This submission was made in November 2017 to provide comments on the draft general comment of the Committee on the Rights...
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BIRTH REGISTRATION: CRIN's submission for OHCHR's report on best practices on birth registration
25/أكتوبر/2017 Publication
This submission was made to inform OHCHR's report on best practices on birth registration. It focuses on the rights and...
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UKRAINE: State had no right to remove children of blind parents
28/يونيو/2017 Publication
Two blind parents argued against the removal of their seven children and claimed that the authorities were obliged to provide financial support to help them, all the way up to the European Court of Human Rights.
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DRC: Improving practices for the demobilisation and reintegration of girls associated with armed forces and armed groups
22/يونيو/2017 Publication
The What The Girls Say report puts the spotlight on girl child soldiers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and...
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