Article 34: Sexual exploitation

IRELAND: ‘Nothing is going to change the past, but we can protect the children of the future’
2/Апр/2015 Publication
Louise O’Keefe was eight years-old when she was sexually abused by her school principal. It would take her 40 years and a lengthy legal battle with the Irish state for her to get justice. This is her story.  
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RAPPORT : What Lies Beneath
15/Май/2018 Publication
En tant qu'ONG, nous posons-nous assez souvent la question de savoir si ce que nous faisons est bien ce que nous devrions faire ? Notre travail est-il nécessaire, répond-t-il à un besoin ?  
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REPORT: What Lies Beneath
14/Мар/2018 Publication
As NGOs, how often do we question whether what we’re doing is what we ought to be doing? In other words, is our work needed and necessary? Here are CRIN's thoughts on this question. 
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State of Washington v. Gray
чт, 14/09/2017 - 08:00 Instrument
Case on the criminalisation of children under sexual exploitation laws for taking sexually explicit pictures of themselves.
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ИНДИЯ: Пятилетняя девочка и ее неграмотная мать добились правосудия в случае сексуального насилия
21/Июл/2017 Publication
Амаль* было три года, когда она была изнасилована соседом в трущобах Дели. Ее мать неустанно боролась за справедливость в деле, дошедшем до Высокого суда Дели.
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A v. Hoare
ср, 30/01/2008 - 12:45 Instrument
Case concerning limitation periods for child sexual abuse.
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ACCESS TO JUSTICE: CRIN's submission for the Special Rapporteur on slavery's thematic report
18/Апр/2017 Publication
CRIN's contribution for the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery's upcoming report on access to justice.
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Mathews v. Harris
пн, 09/01/2017 - 00:00 Instrument
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AUSTRALIA: Extent of abuse in Catholic church in Australia revealed - 4,444 victims
6/Фев/2017 News
A royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse released damning statistics on the scale of the crisis within the Catholic Church.
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VIOLENCIA: '10 años más tarde - Progreso y demora mundial en acabar con la violencia contra los niños'
27/Янв/2017 Publication
Un nuevo informe del Consejo Internacional de ONG sobre la Violencia contra las Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes que expone el progreso y la demora mundial desde que se realizó el primer Estudio de la ONU sobre la violencia contra los niños. 
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