
CANADA : Le meurtre d'une jeune Autochtone relance le débat sur une enquête nationale
20/Авг/2014 News
Le meurtre présumé d'une Autochtone de 15 ans a relancé les appels pour une enquête nationale sur la disparition et l'assassinat de femmes des Premières Nations au pays. La Presse Canadienne, 19 août 2014.
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4/Авг/2014 Country
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CANADA: School board drops abstinence-based sex ed after student complaint
15/Июл/2014 News
The complaint alleged that the school board's sex ed curriculum promoted Christian-based views and painted a skewed picture of contraception and STIs. 
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CANADA: Access to justice for children
7/Май/2014 Publication
This report is part of CRIN's access to justice for children project, looking at the status of the Convention on the...
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Committee against Torture: 52nd Session
пн, 28/04/2014 - 09:00 Event
The 52nd Session of the Committee against Torture will take place from 28 April - 23 May 2014. States under review: Cyprus, Holy See, Lithuania, Montenegro, Sierra Leone, Thailand, Uruguay, Guinea  
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Una niña con dos madres y un padre
13/Фев/2014 News
Della Wolf Kangro Wiley Richards es especial, ya que por primera vez, y de manera consentida, será una niña con tres...
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Canadian Child Care Federation
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
CCCF is a bilingual, non-profit, member-based organisation that includes over 21 provincial and territorial affiliate...
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United Nations Association - Canada
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
The United Nations Association in Canada...
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19/Дек/2013 Organisation
Education à l'ouverture sur le monde et à la solidarité.
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First Call: BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition
19/Дек/2013 Organisation
First Call is a coalition of individuals and organizations whose purpose is to create greater understanding of and...
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