Estonian Union for Child Welfare (EUCW)

Goals: to inform the public about child’s rights; to monitor the situation of children and advocate for child’s rights; to introduce and implement new ideas and initiatives contributing to the ensuring safe growing environment and full development to children nationwide.

The main areas of activities: child’s rights advocacy and monitoring, promoting child’s rights;
family work – promo
Raising awareness and understanding of child's rights (training, issuing publications, sharing information materials etc); monitoring how child's rights are respected and realized regarding the legislation, policies, administrative and community structures; providing information on children's rights and child welfare related issues; advising parents on certain problems or issues; to design public values towards recognising the role of families in society; to draw public attention to shortcomings in family and child welfare policies according to the needs of children and families and opinions of the members of the organization in this area; carrying out social campaigns, open discussions, seminars, round tables; lobbying in order to eliminate shotrcomings in family and child welfare policies.



Key information

Operation level:
Works with age groups:
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Organisation mandate

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