Article 39: Rehabilitative care

UK: Gang violence ‘out of control’ in young offenders' prison
11/Июл/2013 News
Summary: Security cameras captured premeditated attacks in Feltham prison - with nearly two recorded every day....
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USA: Juvenile records will soon become more difficult for the public to view
11/Июл/2013 News
Summary: New law is designed to provide teens with a better chance at employment and housing....
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Transforming Legal Aid: The impact on children and young people
5/Июл/2013 Publication
Summary: The JustRights coalition has produced a short briefing on the impact of the proposed legal aid cuts on vulnerable...
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Voices of Young Europe
27/Июн/2013 Publication
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SIERRA LEONE: Children's Rights in UN Treaty Body Reports
10/Июн/2013 Publication
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of all UN Treaty Bodies and their follow...
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UK: Youth offender inmates 'had bones broken by staff'
4/Июн/2013 News
Summary: UK Inspectors found that youth offenders were "exposed to unacceptable levels of violence" at a privately-run...
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UK: UN Committee against Torture presses government on children's rights
9/Май/2013 Publication
Summary: The Committee against Torture today concluded its review of the United Kingdom. Corporal punishment, restraining...
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