Article 37: Torture and deprivation of liberty

КЫРГЫЗСТАН: Адвокация реформы центров содержания детей без сопровождения
11/Июн/2014 News
Международная сеть по правам ребенка (CRIN) призывает прислать нам информацию о вашем адвокационном опыте. Существует...
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SANTA SEDE: ONU insta al Vaticano a perseguir a agresores sexuales
27/Май/2014 News
Es la segunda vez este año que un organismo de derechos humanos de la ONU ha criticado la forma en que los funcionarios de la Iglesia católica han manejado los abusos de menores llevados a cabo por sacerdotes 
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Supplementary submission to CRC on the medicalization of FGM in Indonesia
20/Май/2014 Alternative Report
This report by TERRE DES FEMMES (TDF) addresses the implementation of article 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the...
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PARAGUAY: Juvenile detention guards arrested over death of two teens during riot
6/Май/2014 News
According to the forensics report, each teen had been riddled with nine bullets during a riot in which beds had been set on fire in a demand for more TV time.
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BAHRAIN: 176 children detained as a result of security events
6/Май/2014 News
Local authorities have accused these children of charges related to the political situation in the country and especially during the recent escalation of protests in Bahrain. 
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DISCRIMINATION: LGBTQ youths detained for status offences twice as often as others
2/Май/2014 News
Research has shown that LGBTQ youth are overrepresented in the juvenile justice system, and once in the system may receive overly harsh punishments because of biases or be placed in isolation in the name of protecting them.   
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UNITED STATES: FDA recommends a ban on shock devices used on children with disabilities
28/Апр/2014 News
Food and Drugs Administration advisory panel on neurological devices has made urgent recommendations to United States to condemn all practices related to torture of disabled children.
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TURKEY: Three teens detained for Berkin protest during Children's Day celebration
24/Апр/2014 News
Berkin Elvan was a 15-year-old boy who was shot with a police tear gas canister during last summer's Gezi Park protests and died after 269 days in a coma. 
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SYRIA: UN rights chief condemns rampant use of torture by Syrian forces, opposition groups
15/Апр/2014 News
The United Nations human rights chief today condemned the rampant use of torture, including allegedly of children, in detention facilities across Syria by Government forces and some armed opposition groups.
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COLOMBIA: Así se fabrican guerrilleros muertos
27/Мар/2014 News
El escándalo de las ejecuciones extrajudiciales en Colombia y un negocio siniestro dentro del Ejército: los falsos positivos que consisten en secuestrar a jóvenes para asesinarlos, luego vestirlos como guerrilleros y así cobrar recompensas secretas del Gobierno de Álvaro Uribe. 
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