Article 23: Children with disabilities

Fundación Comparte
3/Янв/2004 Organisation
La Fundación tiene por fin contribuir a atenuar y reducir el sufrimiento de los niños y consecuentemente, el de sus...
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EENET-Enabling Education
27/Июн/2003 Publication
Summary: This is the newsletter of EENET-an...
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Ayudar a los ninos ciegos/Helping Children who are Blind
28/Апр/2003 Publication
Summary: This is the first Spanish title in the...
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The Rights of Disabled Children and Young People
5/Фев/2003 Publication
Summary: Paper has 5 parts. The 1st part aims...
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Disabled Children's Rights - A Practical Guide (Book & CD-Rom)
29/Янв/2003 Publication
Summary: Children all over the world continue...
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Child Health Trust - Chililabombwe
2/Авг/2002 Organisation
The aim of the trust is to promote...
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NGOs Coalition on Child Rights
2/Июл/2002 Organisation
NCCR is a coalition of almost 600 community-based organisations in NWFP. It aims to promote and raise awareness about...
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UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, A/RES/44/25
10/Июн/2002 UN and Regional Documentation
To view status of ratifications go
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Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant, A/RES/44/25
5/Июн/2002 UN and Regional Documentation
état des ratifications:
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