Article 23: Children with disabilities

Convention des Nations unies relative aux droits de l'enfant
пт, 19/12/2014 - 12:30 Instrument
Adoptée et ouverte à la signature, ratification et adhésion par l'Assemblée générale dans sa résolution 44/25 du 20 novembre 1989. Entrée en vigueur le 2 septembre 1990, conformément à l'article 49.
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REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO : Droits de l'enfant dans les organes de traités de l'ONU
10/Дек/2014 Publication
Résumé: Ce rapport est un extrait des questions liées aux droits de l’enfant dans les rapports des organes de traités et...
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RIGHT TO INFORMATION: 'Access Denied - Protect rights, unblock children’s access to information'
18/Июн/2014 News
Censorship violates human rights and puts children in danger, says new CRIN policy paper.
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COLOMBIA: Polémica por esterilización de niños con déficit mental
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Debate ante fallo en torno a derechos sexuales y reproductivos de personas con discapacidad.
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Concluding Observations for Kyrgyzstan's Third & Fourth Periodic Report
13/Июн/2014 UN and Regional Documentation
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Supplementary submission to CRC on the protection of child rights in India
20/Май/2014 Alternative Report
The report by the Zo Indigenous Forum to the Committee on the rights of the Child (CRC) focusses on the developments and...
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UNITED STATES: FDA recommends a ban on shock devices used on children with disabilities
28/Апр/2014 News
Food and Drugs Administration advisory panel on neurological devices has made urgent recommendations to United States to condemn all practices related to torture of disabled children.
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KAZAKHSTAN: All orphanages to close down
24/Апр/2014 News
The draft law aims to have children requiring alternative care to living with families, instead of special institutions. 
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IRELAND: Court overturns refusal of allowance for care of autistic boy
3/Апр/2014 News
The judge said the Department of Social Protection appeared to have a ‘disdainful mind-set’ to specialist evidence following its refusal to provide a domiciliary care allowance to the mother of a boy with autism, despite specialists' recommendation that he requires special care care. 
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