Article 21: Adoption

PAKISTAN: Ramadan ratings war sees TV show give abandoned babies to childless couples
2/Авг/2013 News
Summary: Babies who were allegedly abandoned by their parents are now being given away as "prizes" on a TV show dubbed ...
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Voices of Young Europe
27/Июн/2013 Publication
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SWEDEN: Children's Rights in UN Treaty Body Reports
11/Июн/2013 Publication
CEDAW/C/SWE/CO/8-9 Concluding Observations  on the Eighth and Ninth Periodic Reports  
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ALGERIA: Algeria-France child trafficking trial opens in Algiers
28/Май/2013 News
Summary: Thirteen people have gone on trial in Algiers, accused of trafficking an unknown number of Algerian children to...
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USA: Supreme Court wrestles with notion of child's best interest in adoption case
18/Апр/2013 News
Summary: The Supreme Court in America is trying to sort out a wrenching adoption case involving a Native American child, a...
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ARGENTINA: Pope Francis and Argentina's 'disappeared' pregnant women and children
11/Апр/2013 News
Summary: The election of Pope Francis has thrown a spotlight on his conduct as a priest under Argentina's military...
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RUSSIA: Are efforts to help thousands of 'abandoned' children being resisted?
3/Апр/2013 News
Summary: Ambitious plans to reduce the number of orphans in Russia are running into strong institutional resistance, child...
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