Children in vulnerable situations

Disabling Children? Some Reflections on Disability and Community
21/mar/2001 Publication
Summary: The full text of this article can be...
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Generation Under Fire - Children and Violence in Colombia
21/mar/2001 Publication
Summary: To be a child is to be at risk in...
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Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons
20/mar/2001 UN and Regional Documentation
Summary: Proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 2856 (XXVI) of 20 December 1971.
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Déclaration des droits du déficient mental
20/mar/2001 UN and Regional Documentation
Summary: Proclamée par l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies dans sa résolution 2856 (XXXVI) du 20 décembre 1971
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Declaración de los Derechos del Retrasado Mental
20/mar/2001 UN and Regional Documentation
Summary: Proclamada por la Asamblea General en su resolución 2856 (XXVI), de 20 de diciembre de 1971
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Report on the sixteenth session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child
20/mar/2001 UN and Regional Documentation
Summary: Conclusions and recommendations adopted...
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Children in Action: A Newsletter For Street Educators on Action Research
20/mar/2001 Publication
Summary: This newsletter is jointly published by...
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