NGO - non governmental organisation

Plan International - Senegal (Mermoz)
19/déc/2013 Organisation
Support children and their...
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Help Child Development
19/déc/2013 Organisation
Working for welfare of children by creating awareness among parents and community in rural and slum areas.
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Children First (South Africa)
19/déc/2013 Organisation
Children First exists to promote and...
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Terre des hommes Italia
19/déc/2013 Organisation
Terre des hommes Italy assists 100,000 children and 400,000 people with 70 projects in 23 countries.We carry out...
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Centre of Concern for Child Labour
19/déc/2013 Organisation
Working on child labour issues in preparation for the World Conference on Racism. CCCL
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Save the Children Italia
19/déc/2013 Organisation
SC Italy is part of the International...
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l'Observatoire National des Droits de l'Enfant
19/déc/2013 Organisation
After the ratification of the...
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Bal Niketan Singh
19/déc/2013 Organisation
The organisation contributes to the...
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Community Animation and Development Organisation
19/déc/2013 Organisation
Involved with various sectoral...
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HAQ: Centre for Child Rights
19/déc/2013 Organisation
HAQ seeks to recognise, protect and promote child rights, and believes that there is a need for realisation of human...
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S'abonner à NGO - non governmental organisation