Academic institution

Civitas Child Law Center, School of Law, Loyola University Chicago
12/déc/2006 Organisation
To train law students, lawyers and child advocates to be effective and ethical advocates for children and to promote...
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Children's Environments Research Group
8/juil/2006 Organisation
The Children’s Environments Research Group (CERG) links university scholarship with the development of policies,...
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Universidad del Pacífico
9/Jan/2006 Organisation
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Children's Rainbow Center-Japan Information and Training Center for Problems related to Child Abuse and Adolescent Turmoil
6/Jan/2006 Organisation
The Childrens Rainbow Center was established to deal with the issues of child abuse and adolescent turmoil. The Center...
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Asian Legal Resource Centre
4/aoû/2005 Organisation
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International Conflict Research
4/juin/2005 Organisation
INCORE was established in 1993 as a joint...
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Human Rights Educational Initiative
6/Jan/2005 Organisation
The Human Rights Educational Initiative (HREI)...
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University of Iowa - Center for Human Rights
12/Jan/2004 Organisation
Initiated by a multidisciplinary group of faculty,...
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Glorious Future Academy
6/juin/2003 Organisation
GFA parents, fosters and inculcates Christian principles for hurt and at risk children. Offers education to the orphaned,...
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