Physical punishment

CHÂTIMENTS CORPORELS : l'Andorre et le Bénin légifèrent
17/mar/2015 News
Le Bénin et l'Andorre ont interdit toutes formes de châtiments corporels, portant le nombre de pays ayant légiféré dans ce sens à 46.
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CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Two more states achieve prohibition
16/mar/2015 News
Benin and Andorra have joined the list of now 46 states prohibiting all forms of corporal punishment. Benin is the seventh in Africa and Andorra is the 28th county in Europe.
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CASTIGO FÍSICO: ¿Qué países permiten los castigos corporales a niños?
6/mar/2015 News
En 20 países europeos los castigos corporales a los niños siguen siendo permitidos, y en América Latina sólo ocho países han incorporado explicítamente la prohibición de los castigos físicos en su legislación.
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FRANCE : violation de la Charte sociale européenne
4/mar/2015 News
Le Comité des droits sociaux du Conseil de l'Europe estime que le droit français n'est pas assez précis sur la question des punitions corporelles.
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FRANCE: Violation of European treaty on corporal punishment
4/mar/2015 News
The Council of Europe has criticised France for the lack of an explicit and clear ban of corporal punishment in national law. 
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CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: March 2015 edition of the global progress and delay leaflet
3/mar/2015 Publication
This leaflet gives an overview of the latest developments in national legislations on corporal punishment of children.
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تقرير عالمي: التقرير السنوي لامنستي 2014-2015
26/fév/2015 Publication
كان عام 2014 عام دمار لمن سعوا إلى رفع راية حقوق الإنسان والدفاع عنها، ولمن حاصرتهم ضروب المعاناة في مناطق الحروب.
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GLOBAL REPORT: Amnesty International annual report 2014/2015
25/fév/2015 Publication
'This has been a devastating year for those seeking to stand up for human rights and for those caught up in the suffering of war zones. We must hope that, looking backward to 2014 in the years to come, what we lives through will be seen as an ultimate low point from which we rose up and created a better future.'
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