Physical punishment

UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2005: Side Event on Ending Corporal Punishment (18 October 2005)
5/Jan/2006 News
Summary: Summary of the panel discussion on ending corporal punishment of children that took place at the 60th session of...
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UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2005: Corporal Punishment Briefing (17 October 2005)
5/Jan/2006 News
Summary: Worldwide progress towards eliminating corporal punishment: all regions support action to end legalised violence...
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UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2005: Ban legalised violence against children - Save the Children (17 October 2005)
5/Jan/2006 News
Summary: The International Save the Children Alliance presents its global submission to the UN Study on Violence Against...
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Eliminating corporal punishment: a human rights imperative for Europe's children
14/déc/2005 Publication
Summary: This is how a group of children recently invited by the Council of Europe to discuss positive and non-violent...
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Pinheiro at British Parliament on Corporal Punishment
13/déc/2005 News
Summary: As part of a panel discussion organised by the Children are Unbeatable Campaign, the Independent Expert leading...
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Journée mondiale pour la prévention des abus envers les enfants (19 Novembre 2005)
sam, 19/11/2005 - 00:00 Event
Summary: 19 Novembre: Journée mondiale pour la prévention des abus envers les enfants (633 organisations dans 114 pays) et...
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Day of General Discussion 2001: Violence Against Children in the Family and in Schools
ven, 28/09/2001 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The General Discusssions in 2001 will focus on violence suffered by children in the family and in schools. The...
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Pinheiro's Speech at the UNESCO Side event on corporal punishment
27/oct/2005 Publication
Summary: Speech presented at the side event organised by UNESCO at the 60th Session of the General Assembly in New York on...
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End Physical Punishment of Children, Newsletter Fall 2005
27/oct/2005 Publication
Summary: This edition contains among other things, articles on school corporal punishment, a section on how to talk about...
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CRINMAIL: Edición Especial sobre el Castigo Corporal
26/oct/2005 News
Summary: CRINMAIL: Edición Especial sobre el Castigo Corporal...
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