Harmful traditional practices

PAKISTAN: Inhuman Sentencing of Children
20/oct/2015 Publication
People may be lawfully sentenced to corporal punishment, life imprisonment and the death penalty for offences committed...
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AFGHANISTAN: President vows to stop 'inhuman' child sex abuse
24/sep/2015 News
The Afghan government says it has "undertaken serious measures" to prevent "abominable" child sexual abuse following a report alleging the practice was rife among the country's armed forces and militias.
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UN: Children's rights and the Human Rights Committee
28/aoû/2015 Publication
While civil and political rights are recognised specifically for children in the CRC, the review by the Human Rights...
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SENEGAL: First steps taken to eradicate forced child begging in Quranic schools
7/aoû/2015 Publication
A committee of African human rights experts agreed that Senegal must work to stop children in Quranic schools being forced to beg for food and money after two postgraduate students compiled a complaint on behalf of the exploited children.
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ASIA-PACIFIC: Cost of child maltreatment tops $200 billion annually, reports UNICEF
3/juin/2015 News
Statistics show that failure to prevent violence against children is resulting in serious economic costs to countries, UNICEF warned at the launch of its ‘End Violence against Children’ campaign in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 
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COMITÉ AFRICAIN D'EXPERTS : le Sénégal viole les droits des enfants talibés
1/juin/2015 News
Le Comité africain d'experts sur les droits et le bien-être de l'enfant a rendu sa décision sur le cas des enfants talibés.
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DRUG POLICY: 'Accountability for children and young people at the 2016 UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs'
19/Mai/2015 Publication
This paper challenges the current framework for evaluating drug policies, and presents one based on the CRC. The three UN drugs conventions currently fail to prescribe any specific measures for children and young people, and only one of these mentions children explicitly.    
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NEPAL: Las adolescentes dicen “no” al matrimonio infantil
6/mar/2015 News
Nepal es entre los 10 países con mayores tasas de matrimonio precoz, aunque esta práctica, tanto a nivel internacional como nacional, es considerada una violación de los derechos humanos de las niñas.
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