Death penalty

BANGLADESH: Inhuman sentencing of children
12/Jan/2016 Publication
The Children’s Act 2013 has substantially amended much of the relevant legislation on the criminal sentencing of children,...
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IRAN : La nouvelle condamnation à mort prononcée contre deux mineurs délinquants bafoue les droits des mineurs
17/déc/2015 News
L’Iran a confirmé sa première place sur la liste des pays mettant à mort le plus de condamnés qui étaient mineurs au moment des faits qu’on leur reproche, après que deux jeunes gens ont été condamnés une deuxième fois à la peine capitale dans deux affaires de ce type, a déclaré Amnesty International.
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SAUDI ARABIA: More than 50 people, including several arrested as children, will reportedly be executed soon
30/nov/2015 News
Saudi Arabia allegedly plans to execute more than 50 people convicted of terrorism, including two sentenced as children, two Saudi newspapers reported this week.
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MALDIVES: Inhuman sentencing of children
26/nov/2015 Publication
Corporal punishment and the death penalty are lawful penalties for offences committed by children in the Maldives.
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IRAN: Inhuman sentencing of children
16/nov/2015 Publication
The Islamic Penal Code 2013 came into force in May 2013. The new legislation amends the law with regards to the death penalty, life imprisonment and corporal punishment, but these forms of sentencing remain lawful for offences committed by children.
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SAUDI ARABIA: CRC alternative report on inhuman sentencing of children
28/oct/2015 Publication
This report was submitted ahead of the 73rd pre-sessional working group of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child as...
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