Article 28: Education

FRANCE : L'Etat coupable de carences à l'égard d'enfants autistes
23/juil/2015 News
La justice a reconnu l'Etat coupable de carences et de préjudice moral à l'égard d'enfants autistes. Sept familles vont être indemnisées, à hauteur de plus de 240.000 euros.
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ITALY: Venice mayor bans children's books on homosexuality and disabilities
13/juil/2015 News
Despite claiming his decision does not aim to discriminate, a total 49 children's books have been blacklisted.
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DENMARK: 'How I was deradicalised'
6/juil/2015 News
Article covering a Muslim teenager's experience in Denmark's programme to dissuade young people from going to fight for al-Qaeda or Islamic State.
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UNICEF: 'Progress for Children Beyond Averages - Learning from the MDGs'
30/juin/2015 Publication
This eleventh edition of Progress for Children is UNICEF’s final report on the child-related Millennium Development Goals ...
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TURKEY: Top court rules that compulsory religious education is unlawful
30/juin/2015 News
The plaintiffs behind the challenge argued that compulsory religious education did not comply with their religious and philosophical beliefs. 
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Beyond 2015: The Education We Want - A high-level discussion on the post-2015 education agenda
jeu, 25/06/2015 - 14:30 Event
UNESCO and UNICEF are convening a high-level discussion in Brussels to promote a bold new agenda for education and build support for its inclusion as a central pillar in the post-2015 development framework.
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JUSTICE: 'Children’s equitable access to justice in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia'
16/juin/2015 Publication
This UNICEF report sheds light on the tremendous barriers children in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia face in accessing justice for violations of their rights. 
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MALTA: Gov't launches new policy to help schools address needs of trans, intersex students
16/juin/2015 News
Activists have welcomed the policy, which recommends an end to gender segregation in schools through things like uniforms, sports lessons, as well as facilities like toilets. 
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