Article 28: Education

Установление минимального возраста - Дискуссионный документ
17/aoû/2016 Publication
Когда минимальный возраст защищает или ограничивает права детей? Что подразумевается под свободным и информированным...
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ALGÉRIE : Internet censuré pour protéger le Bac
22/juin/2016 News
Après les fuites importantes qui ont affecté la session 2016 du bac en Algérie au début du mois, les autorités ont décidé de bloquer certains réseaux sociaux lors de la tenue des nouveaux examens.  
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CROATIA: Sex-ed stalemate after decades of disagreement
10/Mai/2016 Publication
A collective complaint exposed discrimination in the material being taught in Croatian sex education classes but did not manage to cement a better system.
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Age is Arbitrary - Discussion paper on setting minimum ages
11/avr/2016 Publication
New CRIN discussion paper examines the use and worth of age thresholds in the context of a number of contentious children’s rights issues. The paper exposes how minimum ages can be inconsistent, discriminatory and arbitrary.  
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LATINOAMÉRICA: Acceso a la información y los derechos de los niños
1/mar/2016 News
Artículo que analiza el derecho de los niños, niñas y adolescentes a la información en el contexto de América Latina. 
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MIGRATION: CRIN submission for the General Comment on the human rights of children in the context of int'l migration
25/fév/2016 Publication
This submission draws attention to neglected areas of child migrants’ rights, including their right to work, detention and criminalisation, discriminatory language used to refer to migrant children, and access to justice. 
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COLOMBIA: Free education secured for 12 million children
25/Jan/2016 Publication
Part of a law which allowed the Colombian government to charge for primary education was deemed unconstitutional after a direct challenge against its discriminatory provisions.
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