Article 13: Freedom of expression

Convention des Nations unies relative aux droits de l'enfant
ven, 19/12/2014 - 12:30 Instrument
Adoptée et ouverte à la signature, ratification et adhésion par l'Assemblée générale dans sa résolution 44/25 du 20 novembre 1989. Entrée en vigueur le 2 septembre 1990, conformément à l'article 49.
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EGYPT: Six-hundred children locked up for months in unofficial police camp
19/déc/2014 News
The children are being held on political charges, and being denied medical treatment, in a detention centre which Ministry of the Interior denies the existence of. 
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INDONESIA: Tensión en Papúa por el asesinato de jóvenes manifestantes
18/déc/2014 News
Cinco jóvenes manifestantes son asesinados en una protesta.
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INDONESIA: Security forces shoot dead five Papuan teenagers
15/déc/2014 News
The children were shot at a protest over the brutality inflicted by soldiers on a 12 year-old boy who had shouted at a soldiers’ vehicle to turn on its headlights while decorating a Christmas tree. 
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CANADA: Parents defend children's act of civil disobedience in environmental protest
8/déc/2014 News
While British Columbia premier criticised children's participation in a protest against plans to expand an oil company's pipeline, their parents defend their actions. 
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Egypt: Court sends 78 youths to jail for pro-Morsi protests
27/nov/2014 News
A court in Egypt has given 78 youths up to five years in prison for protesting with the Muslim Brotherhood.
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Egypt: Court sends 78 youths to jail for pro-Morsi protests
27/nov/2014 News
A court in Egypt has given 78 youths up to five years in prison for protesting with the Muslim Brotherhood.
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ÉGYPTE : 78 adolescents condamnés à de la prison ferme
27/nov/2014 News
Le tribunal correctionnel pour enfants d’Alexandrie a confirmé en appel la peine de deux à cinq années de détention pour 78 mineurs. Ils avaient été arrêtés lors d’une manifestation réclamant le retour du président Mohamed Morsi. RFI, 26 novembre 2014.
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