
TANZANIA-UGANDA: Child sacrifice for wealth
8/nov/2011 News
Summary: It is believed that the influx of Tanzanian witchdoctors to Uganda is fostering a drastic increase in ritual...
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UGANDA: ‘Kill the Gays’ bill back in parliament
3/nov/2011 News
Summary: Observers say that if the bill does come to a vote, it will be overwhelmingly approved and, contrary to previous...
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Child Justice in Africa: a guide to good practice
19/aoû/2011 Publication
Summary: This publication documents “best practice” examples pertaining to a number of child justice issues drawn from a...
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UGANDA: Sanitary pads keep girls in school
4/aoû/2011 News
Summary: A lack of sanitary pads, few or no private toilet facilities for girls as well as a shortage of female teachers...
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DR Congo-UGANDA: Male sexual abuse survivors living on the margins
3/aoû/2011 News
Summary: While the rape of men may be marginal in comparison to that of women, it is still a serious concern in DR Congo...
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UGANDA: Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education
28/juil/2011 Publication
Summary: E/CN.4/2000/6/Add.1 Visit: 26 June - 2 July 1999pdf:
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UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child (1959)
ven, 20/11/1959 - 00:00 Instrument
Proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 1386(XIV) of 20 November 1959...
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UGANDA: Parliament adjourns without passing anti-homosexual bill
17/Mai/2011 News
Summary: Parliament suspended the legislative body without allowing MPs a chance to discuss the proposed anti...
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