Syrian Arab Republic

سوريا: عشرات الأطفال ضحايا لقاحات فاسدة مصدرها الائتلاف المعارض
17/sep/2014 News
عشرات الوفيات والإصابات بين الأطفال في بلدات ريف إدلب، بعد يوم من قيام ما يسمى "وزراة الصحة في الحكومة السورية المؤقتة"...
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SYRIA: Refugees trigger child labour boom in Turkey
2/sep/2014 News
Thousands of young refugees are missing out on school to support families left destitute after fleeing the fighting in Syria.
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SYRIA: More than 191,000 people killed in Syria with ‘no end in sight’
27/aoû/2014 News
[22 August 2014] – The number of people killed in Syria is double the number documented a year ago, the United Nations...
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4/aoû/2014 Country
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ARMED CONFLICT: No place to hide for children of war in Gaza and Syria
30/juil/2014 News
The conflicts in Syria and Gaza are having a a devastating impact on the lives of children. 
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SYRIA: Child marriage soars among Syrian refugees in Jordan
18/juil/2014 News
Girls who have fled Syria's civil war are increasingly vulnerable to exploitation, domestic violence and poverty, warns the UN.
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سوريا ـ داعش تحتجز 130 طفلاً كردياً
2/juil/2014 News
(نيويورك) ـ قالت هيومن رايتس ووتش اليوم إن على جماعة الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام (داعش) الإفراج الفوري عن ما يقدر...
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SYRIA: Up to 186 Kurdish students kidnapped by Isis in northern Syria
27/juin/2014 News
 Teenagers abducted from bus while travelling from Kobani to Aleppo to take exams.
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Syria: Armed Groups Send Children into Battle
24/juin/2014 News
Non-state armed groups in Syria have used children as young as 15 to fight in battles.
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