
LIBAN : Funérailles, à Arida, du jeune pêcheur libanais tué par des tirs syriens
23/Jan/2012 News
Summary: Les autorités syriennes ont rendu dimanche la dépouille d'un adolescent libanais de 14 ans et libéré ses deux...
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LEBANON: Lebanese authorities should stop harassment campaign against members of the Lebanese Centre for Human Rights (CLDH)
22/nov/2011 News
Summary: The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN) call on the Lebanese authorities to end its harassment...
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Lebanon: Child-to-Child Approaches to Children's Participation in Health and Development: A Course for Programmers and Facilitators
lun, 11/10/2010 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The organisation Child-to-Child Trust will hold course for Programmers and Facilitators to develop planning,...
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LEBANON: Meeting bolsters cluster munitions convention
29/sep/2011 News
Summary: Over 100 children have been killed or maimed by cluster munitions in Lebanon since 2006, a senior army officer...
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LEBANON: Over 100 children have been killed or maimed by cluster munitions since 2006 (Arabic)
27/sep/2011 News
لبنان: نحو تعزيز اتفاقية حظر القنابل العنقودية   بيروت، 25/سبتمبر/2011...
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LIBAN: Il faut renforcer la lutte contre les armes à sous-munitions
26/sep/2011 News
Summary: Plus de 100 enfants ont été tués ou mutilés par des sous-munitions au Liban depuis 2006, a dit à IRIN un haut...
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LEBANON: Law Reform Targets ‘Honor’ Crimes (Arabic)
11/aoû/2011 News
لبنان: إصلاحات قانونية تستهدف جرائم الشرف...
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Lebanon: Cease Harassment of Human Rights Activist for Documenting Torture (Arabic)
4/aoû/2011 News
لبنان: منظمات حقوقية تطالب الحكومة اللبنانية بالكف عنالتعرض للمدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان بسبب ثوثيقهم لحالات التعذيب...
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