
AFRIQUE OCCIDENTALE ET CENTRALE : interdire les châtiments corporels
31/oct/2014 Publication
Rapport d'étape 2014 suite à l’étude du Secrétaire Général des Nations Unies sur la violence contre les enfants. Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children - Plan International - Save the Children.
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SANTÉ : Rescapés d'Ebola, des milliers d'enfants vont devoir vivre sans famille
8/oct/2014 News
L'épidémie d'Ebola en Afrique de l'Ouest condamne des milliers d'orphelins à une existence en quarantaine bien après avoir échappé au virus, la stigmatisation et la peur l'emportant trop souvent sur les traditionnelles solidarités familiales.
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HEALTH: Ebola outbreak - 'Five people infected every hour'
2/oct/2014 News
A leading children's charity has warned that a rate of five new Ebola cases an hour in Sierra Leone means healthcare demands are far outstripping supply.
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4/aoû/2014 Country
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Committee against Torture: 52nd Session
lun, 28/04/2014 - 09:00 Event
The 52nd Session of the Committee against Torture will take place from 28 April - 23 May 2014. States under review: Cyprus, Holy See, Lithuania, Montenegro, Sierra Leone, Thailand, Uruguay, Guinea  
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Universal Periodic Review - Session 21
jeu, 01/01/2015 - 01:00 Event
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Association rêve des enfants de rue
19/déc/2013 Organisation
Les enfants qui nous sont très chers et qui sont la relèvede demain doivent être entourés de tous les soins afin qu...
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Kanya Dowse Fanyi
19/déc/2013 Organisation
Providing food for babies between 6 months and 2 years old.Complimentary Food for ChildrenKDF
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ChildFund Ireland
19/déc/2013 Organisation
ChildFund Ireland works to address the needs and rights of children who are living in developing countries in extremely...
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International Planned Parenthood Federation
19/déc/2013 Organisation
The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is working globally to ensure the sexual and reproductive health,...
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