
Concluding Observations for Guatemala's 3rd and 4th Periodic Reports
6/oct/2010 UN and Regional Documentation
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GUATEMALA: Asociaciones se pronuncian en contra de las leyes antimaras
23/sep/2010 News
Summary: Una veintena de organizaciones de jóvenes se han manifestado en contra de la eventual aprobación de una ley de...
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Comité des droits de l'enfant : 55ème session
lun, 13/09/2010 - 00:00 Event
Summary: Le Comité examinera les rapports de L'Angola | Bosnie-Herzégovine | Burundi | Guatemala | Monténégro | Nicaragua ...
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GUATEMALA: Rampant violence means childhood interrupted
13/juil/2010 News
Summary: On June 15th this year, a twelve year old boy was shot dead in Guatemala to prevent him testifying to a crime he...
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UN: Committee on the Rights of the Child releases Concluding Observations for Session 54
5/juil/2010 News
Summary: On the 11th June 2010, the Committee on the Rights of the Child released their Concluding Observations for the...
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