
EGYPT: Egypt 'baby trafficking ring' broken up in Cairo (Arabic)
13/nov/2012 News
قالت الشرطة المصرية إنها ألقت القبض على عصابة في القاهرة مكونة من طبيب ومضمدتين تتاجر بالاطفال منذ ثلاث سنوات....
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EGYPT: Teacher fired for cutting hair of girls who didn't wear headscarves
23/oct/2012 News
Summary: Human rights groups in Egypt have condemned a teacher for cutting the hair of girls who weren't wearing...
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EGYPT: Call to amend draft Constitution to protect key rights
9/oct/2012 News
Summary: Several provisions are inconsistent with international law, including on child trafficking, ...
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Attorneys for the Rights of the Child
9/oct/2012 Organisation
To educate the public, the bar (lawyers), and the judiciary (judges) about the harm caused by all forms of childhood...
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EGYPT: Fix Draft Constitution to Protect Key Rights (Arabic)
8/oct/2012 News
(نيويورك) ـ قالت هيومن رايتس ووتش اليوم في رسالة وجهتها إلى أعضاء الجمعية التأسيسية المصرية إن على الجمعية أن تعدل المواد...
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