
Ensemble de règles minima des Nations Unies concernant l'administration de la justice pour mineurs (Règles de Beijing)
lun, 03/11/2014 - 10:30 Instrument
Adopté par l'Assemblée générale dans sa résolution 40/33 du 29 novembre 1985
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ALBANIA: Children's Rights References in the Universal Periodic Review
30/sep/2014 Publication
A compilation of extracts featuring child-rights issues from the reports submitted to the second Universal Periodic Review. There are extracts from the 'National report', the 'Compilation of UN information' and the 'Summary of stakeholder information'. Once the ‘recommendations’ have been accepted or rejected by the State, these will subsequently be published here.  
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4/aoû/2014 Country
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CDE : entrée en vigueur du mécanisme de plaintes
15/avr/2014 News
Le nouveau Protocole facultatif à la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant (CDE) permet aux enfants de porter plainte directement auprès du Comité des droits de l'enfant de l'ONU en cas de violation de leurs droits.
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14/avr/2014 News
Children can now lodge complaints with the UN about violations of their rights.
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Universal Periodic Review - Session 19
lun, 28/04/2014 - 01:00 Event
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ALBANIA: Access to justice for children
17/mar/2014 Publication
This report is part of CRIN's access to justice for children project, looking at the status of the Convention on the...
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test promo
31/Jan/2014 Campaign
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Dynamo International
19/déc/2013 Organisation
The social purpose of Dynamo International is development cooperation especially in the fields related to children and...
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Global March Against Child Labour
19/déc/2013 Organisation
Global March Against Child Labour is an international movement dedicated to giving every child a chance to live and grow...
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