Optional Protocol on the involvement of children in armed conflict

CONGO RDC : Les civils doivent être protégés de l'escalade de la violence dans l'est de la RDC
3/Mai/2012 News
Summary: Les parties au conflit en République démocratique du Congo (RDC) doivent prendre des mesures pour veiller à ce...
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DR Congo: Civilians must be protected amid escalating violence in eastern DRC
2/Mai/2012 News
Summary: Warring parties in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) must take measures to ensure civilians are protected,...
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SYRIA: Over 34 children killed in Syria since truce
2/Mai/2012 News
Summary: More than 34 children allegedly have been killed in Syria since a shaky truce between President Bashar al-Assad's...
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MALI: War Crimes by Northern Rebels
30/avr/2012 News
Summary: Separatist Tuareg rebels, Islamist armed groups, and Arab militias who seized control of northern Mali in April...
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Mieux vaut prévenir : Empêcher le recrutement et l’utilisation d’enfants dans l’Armée nationale tchadienne
30/avr/2012 Publication
Summary: L'utilisation d'enfants par les forces armées tchadiennes a sans doute cessé, mais les enfants courent toujours...
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INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE: Charles Taylor aided and abetted Sierra Leone war crimes, Hague court finds
26/avr/2012 News
Summary: Former president of Liberia is found to have supported rebels during reign of terror in neighbouring Sierra Leone...
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Justice internationale : Taylor, l'itinéraire sanglant d'un tyran avide et cruel
26/avr/2012 News
Summary: L'ex-président du Liberia, condamné jeudi pour ses crimes commis en Sierra Leone, a eu recours à la pire terreur...
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YEMEN: Child recruitment in armed conflicts increasing
17/avr/2012 News
Summary: The number of children being recruited as soldiers in Yemen has risen significantly during the recent wave of...
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