
Los hechos se burlan del derecho
9/Oct/2009 Publication
Summary: La investigación “Miradas cruzadas sobre la efectividad del derecho a la educación en los barrios periféricos de...
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PROGRAMMING: Getting it right for children: a practitioner's guide to child rights programming
24/Sep/2009 Publication
Drawing on save the children’s experience around the world, this guide provides ideas and tools that will enable...
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BOOK: Children’s rights and the minimum age of criminal responsibility: a global perspective
22/Sep/2009 Publication
Summary: Children of almost any age can break the law, but at what age should children first face the possibility of...
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Colombia: En deuda con su infancia
22/Ago/2009 Publication
Summary: Informe complemetario al informe de Estado colombiano al Comité de Derechos del Niño 1998-2003Cloths and...
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CHILD EXECUTIONS: New book argues for abolition based on Islamic and international law (Arabic and Farsi)
21/Ago/2009 Publication
[CAIRO, 18 August  2009] - The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI), in collaboration with the...
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Child Executions: New Book Argues for Abolition Child Executions Based on Islamic and International Law (Arabic)
20/Ago/2009 Publication
إعدام الأطفال: كتاب جديد يؤكد ضرورة إلغاء هذه العقوبة وفقا للشريعة الإسلامية والقانون الدولي...
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IRELAND: Children's rights in Ireland: Law, policy and practice
14/Abr/2009 Publication
Summary: This text is a comprehensive analysis of Irish child law from a children's rights perspective. Contents include...
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