
Childrearing for Peace: A search for solutions
8/Jun/2006 Publication
Summary: Written by Judith Ennew, from the Centre for Family Research and Dominique Pierre Plateau from Save the Children...
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Unaccompanied Minors
22/Mar/2006 Publication
Summary: The book offers a critical analysis of existing international Conventions with relevance to the specific groups...
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Improving Government Schools: What has been tried and what works
15/Mar/2006 Publication
Summary: This book looks at efforts across India to improve schools....
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Compendium of Social Statistics and Indicators: A Special Issue on Youth
27/Feb/2006 Publication
Summary: This bulletin presents social statistics illustrating some of the key socio-economic indicators for countries of...
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Child abuse and neglect : a reference for medical professionals. 2nd
27/Feb/2006 Publication
Summary: Designed for medical professionals in Ohio, this book addresses the most frequent child abuse and neglect issues...
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