State neglect

ENOC: State Obligations for the Treatment of Unaccompanied Children
12/Dic/2006 Publication
Summary: ENOC Statement on State Obligations for the Treatment of Unaccompanied Children, approved in the Annual Meeting...
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Violence Against Children in Egypt in the First Half of 2006 [Arabic]
23/Nov/2006 Publication
Summary: This report is issued by the Land Centre for Human Rights. It presents what has been published in the Egyptian...
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VIOLENCE AGAINST CHILDREN: UN General Assembly Discusses Study
17/Nov/2006 News
Summary: Launch of the UN Study on Violence Against Children at the UN headquarters in new York is taking place on the 11...
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Proposal for the 2006 UNGA resolution on the rights of the Child - text on violence against children
30/Oct/2006 Publication
Summary: Proposal for the 2006 UNGA resolution on the rights of the Child - text on violence against children – developed...
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IRAQ: Children of mixed marriages protest official discrimination
25/Oct/2006 News
Summary: Ever since the enactment of new regulations after the fall of Saddam Hussein, the children of Iraqi women married...
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