The Committee on the Rights of the Child published its first views under the third Optional Protocol to the CRC this year. Learn more about the decision and its importance.
Guide for Parliamentarians: Visiting places where children are deprived of their liberty as a result of immigration procedures
زيارة الأماكن التي يوجد فيها أطفال محرومين من حريتهم نتيجة إجراءات الهجرة:دليل لفائدة البرلمانيين
A Togolese teenager was held in servitude for four and a half years. Her case lead to criminal penalties for slavery, servitude and forced labour in France for the first time.
The internet has been ablaze over the last few weeks after incendiary comments from California lawmaker Travis Allen about his state 'legalising child prostitution'. Here are a few reasons why he is so wrong.
Les gouvernements de la France et du Royaume-Uni ne se sont pas montrés à la hauteur de leurs obligations en vertu de la Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant dans la façon dont ils ont géré la situation des enfants migrants vivant dans le camp de Calais, a indiqué le Comité des Nations Unies sur les droits de l'enfant.