Marriage (child)

IRAK: Se prevé legalizar el matrimonio entre niños de 9 años
10/Abr/2014 News
El proyecto de ley, que establece nuevas reglas matrimoniales e introduce nuevas restricciones religiosas.
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BANGLADESH: Jumma tribal women and girls raped with impunity
3/Abr/2014 News
Tribal women and girls from the Chittagong Hill Tracts are under threat from settlers and the Bangladeshi army where killings, torture and rape are common and continue with impunity. 
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COLOMBIA: Así se fabrican guerrilleros muertos
27/Mar/2014 News
El escándalo de las ejecuciones extrajudiciales en Colombia y un negocio siniestro dentro del Ejército: los falsos positivos que consisten en secuestrar a jóvenes para asesinarlos, luego vestirlos como guerrilleros y así cobrar recompensas secretas del Gobierno de Álvaro Uribe. 
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COLOMBIA: As peace talks continue, so do human rights abuses and recruitment of children - UN
27/Mar/2014 News
The UN warns that recruitment of children by Colombia’s two main rebel groups continues. Meanwhile the killing of innocent people allegedly at the hands of the army continue to be recorded. 
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HOLY SEE: Pope adds former child victim to new commission on sex abuse cases
26/Mar/2014 News
A new commission that will advise Pope Francis on sex abuse policy within the church includes an Irish psychiatrist who was assaulted by a chaplain when she was 13 years old. But it remains unclear if the commission will deal with the critical issue of disciplining bishops who cover up for abusers. 
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ROYAUME-UNI : La justice s’attaque à la lutte contre l’excision
24/Mar/2014 News
La justice britannique annonce des inculpations pour mutilation génitale féminine. Deux hommes, dont un médecin, sont visés après l’excision d’une patiente dans un hôpital londonien. C'est une première, trente ans pourtant après l’entrée en vigueur de la loi criminalisant cette pratique.
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MALTA: Lawmakers prohibit all corporal punishment
18/Mar/2014 News
Malta has become the 37th State worldwide and the 25th in Europe to have achieved full prohibition.   
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АРМЕНИЯ: Активисты выступают за принятие закона о домашнем насилии
12/Mar/2014 News
Как и на остальной территории Закавказья, женщины Армении могут рассчитывать, что в их честь будут подниматься тосты, им...
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SEXUAL VIOLENCE: UN, African Union sign landmark agreement to curb sexual violence in African countries
4/Mar/2014 News
The United Nations and the African Union (AU) affirmed their common commitment “to put an end to history’s oldest and least condemned crime” by signing landmark agreement on the prevention of and response to conflict-related sexual violence in Africa, a senior UN official today said.
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"Planchado de senos" la técnica usada en Camerún para que las jóvenes no tengan sexo
13/Feb/2014 News
Los embarazos no deseados son evitados en Camerún con el planchado de los senos, que las madres practican a sus hijas, con...
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