Emergency relief

Women, Girls, Boys and Men, Different Needs - Equal Opportunities
2/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: This tool has an Education Chapter, which was drafted by INEE members and the INEE Secretariat, and is a...
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Infant and Young Child Feeding in Emergencies: Operational Guidance for Emergency Relief Staff and Programme Managers
2/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: Careful attention to infant feeding and support for good practice can save lives. This practical manual provides...
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Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies, Chronic Crises and Early Reconstruction (Arabic)
2/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: The handbook provides a universal framework for ensuring the right to education for people affected by crisis. It...
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Protecting Persons Affected by Natural Disasters: IASC Operational Guidelines on Human Rights and Natural Disasters
2/Dic/2013 Publication
Summary: "Protecting Persons Affected by Natural Disasters - IASC Operational Guidelines on Human Rights and Natural...
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CATASTROPHES NATURELLES : les enfants demandent à jouer un rôle
2/Dic/2013 News
Summary: Au cours d’un évènement spécial sur le thème « L’avenir résilient que nous voulons: les enfants », de jeunes...
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The Arab Regional Civil Society Forum on Children Concludes in Morocco - More than 200 participants from 21 Countries Rally for Children
28/Nov/2013 Publication
Summary: NGOs and civil society groups met in Morocco, from February 15 to 19, to organise the Arab Regional Civil Society...
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Children are European Citizens too - Children and the future of Europe
28/Nov/2013 News
Summary: The European Children's Network, EURONET, has submitted to the members of the European Convention its proposal to...
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UPR 13TH SESSION: Summary of State reviews
26/Nov/2013 Publication
Summary: The 13th Session of the Universal Periodic Review took place from 21 May to 4 June this year. Read the summary...
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