Dangerous, harmful or hazardous work

VIOLENCIA: Se considera fiable el testimonio de los niños víctimas de abuso
27/Sep/2011 News
Summary: El testimonio de los niños de tres a seis años víctimas de abusos sexuales o maltrato tiene una fiabilidad de...
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ILO: 115 million children worldwide work in hazardous jobs (Arabic)
21/Jul/2011 News
منظمة العمل الدولية: 115 مليون طفل يعملون بمهن خطرة...
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YEMEN: Conflict generating more child soldiers
21/Jul/2011 News
Summary: Children have joined both government-aligned and defecting units of the Yemen army in an accelerated recruitment...
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COLOMBIA: 'FARC are recruiting indigenous children'
9/Jun/2011 News
Summary: The Colombian guerrilla organisation FARC is allegedly recruiting indigenous children as young as 12 to transport...
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PAKISTAN: Selling children to pay off a debt
8/Jun/2011 News
Summary: Poor families resort to selling their children to pay off debts that they cannot pay back and to gain money to...
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