
CROATIA: Persistent violations of children's rights
12/Mar/2013 Publication
Summary: The violations highlighted are those issues raised with the State by more than one international mechanism. This...
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EUROPE: "Children's Rights in Europe" recommendations delivered to the EU Council
28/Nov/2012 Publication
Summary: Hope for Children, UNCRC Policy Centre, on the occasion of the “Universal Children’s Day” on the 20th November,...
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ESPAÑA: El 'bullying' homofóbico crece en las escuelas de España
18/Oct/2012 News
Summary: El aumento de casos de bulliyng en los centros educativos de EEUU hace saltar todas las alarmas, en España el...
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SEXUAL ORIENTATION: UN launches publication on States' core legal obligations
17/Sep/2012 Publication
Summary: The UN Human Rights Office has released a new publication on sexual orientation and gender identity in...
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NIGER: Children's Rights in UN Treaty Body Reports
5/Jul/2012 Publication
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of all UN Treaty Bodies and their follow...
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HOLY SEE: Children's Rights in UN Treaty Body Reports
5/Jul/2012 Publication
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of all UN Treaty Bodies and their follow...
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NAURU: Children's Rights in UN Treaty Body Reports
5/Jul/2012 Publication
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of all UN Treaty Bodies and their follow...
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MONACO: Children's Rights in UN Treaty Body Reports
5/Jul/2012 Publication
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of all UN Treaty Bodies and their follow...
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MICRONESIA: Children's Rights in UN Treaty Body Reports
4/Jul/2012 Publication
Summary: This report extracts mentions of children's rights issues in the reports of all UN Treaty Bodies and their follow...
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