United Kingdom

ROYAUME-UNI : Cameron veut sortir le pays de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme
3/Oct/2014 News
En promettant le vote d’une « British bill of rights » (« Déclaration des droits »)  s’il est reconduit après les législatives de mai 2015, M. Cameron a de fait préparé une situation où les décisions de la cour de Strasbourg ne s’imposeront plus, comme c’est le cas aujourd’hui, aux juridictions britanniques.
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UK: Failures in Rotherham led to sexual abuse of 1,400 children
1/Sep/2014 News
Report says failings in political and police leadership contributed to gang rape and trafficking in South Yorkshire
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20/Ago/2014 Publication
This directory, assembled by the researchers at CRIN, provides a mapping of legal clinics with a specific focus on...
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Нет – жестоким приговорам детям
14/Ago/2014 Campaign
Нет - пожизненному заключению, телесным наказаниям и смертной казни детям.
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4/Ago/2014 Country
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UNITED KINGDOM: Supreme Court rules that trafficked persons have the right to claim damages
4/Ago/2014 News
In a landmark judgment, court unanimously rules that trafficked people have a right to claim damages from their traffickers irrespective of their immigration status. 
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INTRAC courses
Jue, 24/07/2014 - 18:00 Event
INTRAC are a small NGO based in the UK working around civil society strengthening. They offer a variety of training...
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SEXUAL ABUSE: Charity accused of failing to investigate historical child abuse claims
23/Jul/2014 News
A woman who complained sixteen years ago to the Salvation Army in England of being abused by charity personnel in the 1970s now wants an inquiry.
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