Enviado por crinadmin el
Summary: In collaboration with the Special
Representative, the UN Secretary-General
submits an Annual Report to the Security
Council. This report reviews activities and
progress made during the reporting period in
the protection of children affected by
situations of armed conflict and in post-conflict
situations, as well as in the implementation of
previous resolutions.
Asamblea General Quincuagésimo sexto período de sesiones
Consejo de Seguridad Quincuagésimo sexto año
El presente informe se presenta de conformidad con el párrafo 21 de la
resolución 1314 (2000) del Consejo de Seguridad, la segunda resolución
del Con-sejo dedicada específicamente a los niños y los conflic-tos armadospdf: www.un.org/special-rep/children-armed-conflict/KeyDocuments/Report/A-56-...