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Dynamo International coordinates an International Network of Social Street Workers, who approach various people on the ground in street situations (children, youth people and adults). Platforms of street workers, which represent more than 40 southern and northern countries, are members of the Network. Each platform brings together several local associations and street workers individually Through the involvement of many persons who are in contact with people living and/or working in the street, the aim of the Network is to increase the efficiency and the quality of the practices by means of training, exchanges and implementation of educational tools. The other objective is to generate an international mobilization to build lasting and structural answers toward problems (poverty, explotation, etc) that people in the street face around the world. This project is a real solidarity network whereby people working on the ground can express themselves, question the political powers and others instances on the fight against inequalities, enhanced by a clear globalization. The second strand of Dynamo International activities is to help, in Belgium, young people between 13 and 25 years old in developing international projects. The aim is to encourage access for young people to European and International mobility programmes, through a specific individual or collective assistance to emancipation and empowerment ends. Dynamo International organizes also awareness and dissemination activities to professionals of youth sector and their target public about the opportunities offered by these programmes. Awareness also concerns the public opinion, policy-makers and media about the issues of non-formal education programmes with a view to a participatory citizenship.