
DETENTION : Des enfants marqués à vie par la violence dans les centres pour migrants
23/Oct/2014 News
Un nombre croissant d'enfants migrants sont placés en détention dans les pays où ils cherchent l'asile, alors que de plus en plus de travaux scientifiques montrent que ce genre d'enfermement génère des difficultés psychologiques et des problèmes de développement à long terme. IRIN - 22 octobre 2014.
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ARGENTINA: State bans all corporal punishment of children
8/Oct/2014 News
Argentina has become the 41st State globally, and the seventh in Latin America, to ban all forms of corporal punishment against children. 
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USA: New law to protect jailed youth in California
6/Oct/2014 News
California Governor signs a bill that could prevent hundreds of young offenders from enduring rape, assault, and gang life in prison.
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CAPE VERDE: Country becomes sixth African state to prohibit all corporal punishment of children
3/Oct/2014 News
Cape Verde has joined the list of states enacting legislation which prohibits all corporal punishment of children, including within the family.
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Human Rights Council holds panel discussion on violence against children
24/Sep/2014 News
The Human Rights Council held a panel discussion yesterday on "accelerating global efforts to end violence against children".
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RUSSIA: Children with disabilities face violence and neglect
15/Sep/2014 News
Human Rights Watch urges authorities to end 'orphanage' system and to prioritise support for children with disabilities to live with their families or in other family settings.
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EGYPTE : des enfants torturés en prison
12/Sep/2014 News
52 enfants torturés et victimes de violences sexuelles dans une prison d'Alexandrie pour avoir manifesté pacifiquement.
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EGYPT: Child protesters tortured in prison
10/Sep/2014 News
Fifty-two children tortured and sexually abused in Alexandria prison for holding peaceful demonstrations against regime.
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VIOLENCE : Les enfants victimes d'une violence omniprésente selon un rapport de l'UNICEF
8/Sep/2014 News
Le Fonds des Nations Unies pour l'enfance a publié de nouvelles données révélant l'ampleur des sévices physiques, sexuels et psychologiques que subissent les enfants à travers le monde.
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VIOLENCE: Children suffering "endemic" violence globally - UN report
5/Sep/2014 News
New and unprecedented data from UN shows violence against children is tolerated and accepted as normal in many parts of the world.
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