Article 5: Parental guidance and the childs evolving capacities

ARGENTINA: Building more democratic families
28/Nov/2012 News
Summary: A wide-ranging reform of Argentina’s civil code is looking to replace traditional concepts of parental authority...
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Committee on the Rights of the Child: 61st session
Lun, 17/09/2012 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The Committee on the Rights of the Child will hold its 61st Session from 17 September to 5 October 2012. Below...
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ALTERNATIVE CARE: Call for contributions to new Guidelines handbook
3/Sep/2012 News
Summary: An Implementation and Monitoring Handbook for the Guidelines for Alternative Care of Children is currently being...
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CRC 61ST SESSION: NGO Alternative Reports submitted
28/Ago/2012 Publication
Summary: The full list of Alternative Reports submitted by NGOs for the upcoming 61st Session of the Committee on the...
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EUROPE : L'ONU critique les boîtes à bébés, "violation des droits de l'enfant"
21/Jun/2012 News
Summary: Les boites à bébé se multiplient en Europe. Et l'ONU estime que c'est une violation des droits de l'enfant. C'est...
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Committee on the Rights of the Child: 60th session
Mar, 29/05/2012 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The Committee on the Rights of the Child will hold its 60th Session from 29 May to 15 June 2012. Below are full...
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